Among all types of fungal diseases, lesions of the feet the most common. One of the types of athlete's foot is a fungus between the toes. The disease causes intense itching and flaking of the skin that causes severe discomfort. Infected with fungus can be in any public places with high humidity. This type of fungal infection occurs in adults and in children.

The reasons for the development of the disease
Fungus between the toes – this is one of the types of athlete's foot. The disease is contagious and difficult to treat. The therapy can last for several months.
Fungus between the toes develops due to the following reasons:
- poor cleaning of the feet;
- visit public places with high humidity;
- door of his gaze;
- with another person's towels.
The easiest way to get an infection when visiting public showers without the necessary means of protection. No individual Slippers in the shower, gym locker room or even in a sauna with moderate to high temperature, can cause fungal infection between the toes, photos of symptoms that will not doubt of the nature of the flaking of the skin.
The development of the fungus between the fingers of the child and of the adult, can be caused by the negligence of personal hygiene. The lack of proper care of feet leads to the accumulation of sweat and dirt in the interdigital intervals. This is a favorable environment for the reproduction of the fungus. Since some pathogens are always present in the human body, the development of fungal microflora on the skin can happen even without contact with a potential source of infection.
Fungus on the feet and the skin between the toes is very contagious fungus. It is possible to do harm with the setting of his eyes, if the person is infected. This is due to the spores of the fungus are deposited on the interior surface of the Shoe and the ease of falling into the healthy skin.
One can fall ill even if a family member is struggling with the fungal infection. The fact that the spores of the pathogens to settle on everything that came into contact with the infected skin. The spores remain in the pile of the carpet, the towels and the surface of the bath and shower enclosure. The most minimal contact with these elements enough spores has on the health of the skin.
However, not all people infected with the fungus when you use another person's towels or shower. The factors to cause the development of fungi between the toes:
- reduce immunity, both General and local;
- the presence of lesions on the skin of the feet;
- sweating;
- long-term use of antibiotics;
- frequent stress;
- wearing too narrow a Shoe;
- diseases that cause poor circulation in the lower extremities.
Long-term medical therapy and frequent stress weakens the body, making it vulnerable to different bacteria and fungi. Narrow door shoes door to the violation of local blood circulation, which reduces the immunity of the feet. This creates favourable conditions for the rapid development of pathogenic microflora.
Fungus of the feet and interdigital spaces, is particularly strong are those with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and varicose veins of the lower extremities. All of these pathologies lead to impairment of local metabolic processes, and the alteration of the immunity of the cell, which increases the risk of fungal infection.
The factors that cause the infection include wearing tight shoes of substandard materials synthetic socks and sweating. All this creates a favourable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora. Sweating speeds up the process of increase of the population of the fungus, as this microflora loves wet and warm environment.

The type of the disease
The exact classification depends on the form of fungus infection and type of pathogen. With the defeat of the stop often reveals yeast-like mold and fungi. These two types of pathogens, easier to multiply in the human skin.
According to the severity of the pathological process can be divided into mild and severe stage of the disease. A mild form of fungal infection is interdigital mycosis. Without treatment, this form quickly turns into heavy, which is characterized by the spread of the pathological process in all alone.
Isolated chronic form of the disease. It is accompanied by severe edema, which extends to the sole and ankle. In most cases, binds to the infection to secondary, that on the surface of the epidermis appear nodules and vesicles of the rash. If the damage bubbles you note pus.
The symptoms of athlete's foot between the toes
It looks like a fungus on the feet between the toes, knows, probably, everyone. Specific symptoms:
- redness between the toes;
- severe itching;
- smell;
- flaking of the skin;
- Department of gray scales;
- exfoliation of the skin;
- the appearance of shallow scars.
Children also suffer from this disease, fungus between the toes, the child has the same symptoms as that of the adults. The disease begins with lesions of the skin near the little finger of the lower extremities, in the initial phase or the phase of development of the fungus between the toes resembles a bit of redness. The disease progresses very rapidly, which affects the skin between the 4 and 3 finger. With the time the fungus spreads throughout the foot.
As the progression of the disease is not serious, the flaking and the itching. Patients note the sudden appearance of a strong and unpleasant smell of feet, which is removed by washing. The progression of the fungal infection leads to the appearance of shallow scars. In general, it indicates the accession of the infection.
Over time the peeling becomes very strong, independent of the set of the areas of keratinized epidermis, which acquires a gray color. If the fungus in this stage not to start to treat in time, which extends to all the walking.
Interdigital spaces are the most vulnerable part of the foot. When walking in these folds accumulate sweat, which irritates the affected skin fungus. The result is cracks that hurt when walking. Finally, in place of form ulcers deep erosion, causing itching and burning.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of the visual inspection. Fungus interdigital spaces has a very striking and characteristic symptoms, so that should be confused with other diseases difficult.
In addition it has a scraping of the affected area. When peeling is not difficult, since the particles of the epidermis can be easily separated without causing discomfort.
On the basis of the analysis of a scraping doctor will determine how to treat fungus between the toes. There is also a common treatment regime that includes anti-fungal ointment foot fungus between toes and solutions for antisepsis of the skin. On admission the patient is recommended to check with your doctor if you the use of folk remedies for fungus between the toes. In the initial phase of the disease, traditional medicine helps to quickly deal with pathogens.
The medication
When a fungus between toes treatment must be comprehensive. The patient must observe the same ritual:
- thoroughly wash your feet with soap and wipe;
- treat the affected areas with an antiseptic solution and wait until it dries;
- applied to the skin antifungal drugs;
- after half an hour of wear socks net made of natural fabrics.
How to cure the fungus between the toes – that depends on the severity of symptoms. In the initial phase, it is sufficient for the use of antiseptics and folk remedies in patients with severe lesions of the skin, special products are needed.
As an antiseptic it is better to use the solution or chlorhexidine miramistina. These products do not irritate the skin. Are used for the treatment and for disinfection of the skin. In addition, antiseptics to prevent the spread of fungus to healthy skin.
The main treatment is creams and ointments, the best ointment for fungus between toes is a drug that is prescribed by a doctor. Usually used means broad-spectrum.
Ointment for the treatment should be applied to previously prepared skin twice a day. In advanced cases, a drug may not be enough. When the doctor prescribes a long-term therapy with the change of drugs in the course of the course. This is to avoid the development of fungal microflora resistance to a drug.
Folk remedies

The traditional medicine knows how to get rid of fungus between your toes. For this proposes the use of baths and solutions for the treatment of the skin.
- In a bowl with water, add 2 bags of boric acid and put your feet for 20 minutes. Apply during the day.
- Effective from athlete's foot bath to 4 litres of warm water, 2 tablespoons of baking soda, salt and iodine. Take 15 minutes, and then lubricate the foot curative ointment.
- You can use an application of sodium solution with vinegar. Prepare the necessary means half of a glass of water dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda and vinegar. Then, in the solution, moisten a cotton clean and treat with care the skin.
For the daily hygiene of the feet is recommended the use of tar or mild soap. Are perfectly degrease the skin and have a weak activity, antifungal.
To avoid the development of fungi between the toes and takes care of the hygiene of the feet. It is important to have in a swimming pool, gym and sauna own Slippers rubber. You must not use other people's hygiene items or to try on the shoes of an unknown, as it can remain spores.